Parish Religious Education Program
Dates to Remember
Mark your calendar with these important upcoming events, and be sure to print or bookmark our full PREP calendar, which can be found at the top of this page (our PREP homepage.)
Mar. 16 Spring Break (no classes)
Mar. 23 Spring Break (no classes)
Apr. 13 Palm Sunday (no classes)
Apr. 20 Easter (no classes)
Apr. 27 First Communion (no classes)
May 4 End of Year Reception
First Communion - Important Information
First Reconciliation Follow-up
We need to make sure that any kids who were unable to make the First Reconciliation service in December due to sickness or travel have by now made their first confession and reported the date to the parish office so the official church records can be updated.
Easter Break HOMEWORK
With the Easter break from classes (April 13 and 20), our final class together before First Communion is Sunday, April 6. Books will be coming home with your students so you can review the material over break.
In addition, we will also be sending home lyrics for the song we plan to sing at our First Communion Mass so you can practice with your child. Practice with musical accompaniment by clicking here.
The retreat with rehearsal will be held on Saturday, April 26 (the day before First Communion) from 9-11:30 a.m. We will start with a rehearsal in the church, then move to the Upper Parish Hall for activity stations. The retreat will conclude with song practice. Parents, please plan to drop off and pick up your children at the church.
Dress Code Guidelines
As many of you are shopping for your children’s First Communion clothing, please know that anything modest, clean, and church-appropriate is fine to wear. Boys often wear a suit or collared shirt and tie with dress slacks. Girls traditionally wear a white dress with a white veil, headband, flower crown, or small tiara.
First Communion Mass Information
The front rows will be reserved for our First Communicants. The seats directly behind the kids will be reserved for parents.
Please refrain from taking pictures during Mass.
It is proper to fast (no food or drink) at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion.
Work has begun on the First Communion Reception, which will be held in the Parish Hall immediately following First Communion. If your family plans to attend, please RSVP to SandraN@holyfamilyeudora.com by April 6 with the number of people attending with your family.
Photography Information
We have hired a photographer to take First Communion pictures so our parents, grandparents, and other loved ones can focus on the liturgy. As you can imagine, a professional photographer who knows how to be unobtrusive is more conducive to a prayerful atmosphere than a multitude of cameras and flashes going off. The presence of a photographer keeps us in line with the wishes of the Archbishop and the dictates set forth regarding pictures during liturgical services.
Please have your child at the church at 8:45 am, down in the Fr. Riley Center on Sunday, April 27th. A group photo will be taken at exactly 9 am before our celebration of First Communion. Photos of the children as they receive their First Communion, enter the church, and participate in liturgy will also be taken by the photographer.
In addition, you are welcome to bring your child in for photos in the church beforehand. (The date and time will be shared soon.) The photographer will take a photo of each child with Fr. Mick as well as an individual photo on a kneeler. Students should dress in what they'll wear on First Communion.
Program Dates, Time & Location
Classes for the 2024/25 school year will be held Sept. 8 - May 4 from 10:15-11:05 a.m.
All classes will be held in the classrooms located in the Upper Parish Hall and the Fr. Riley Center.
Click on the Schedule link above for our weekly schedule.
VIRTUS Training for Adults
The VIRTUS® programs assist the Church in being a safe haven for children and a messenger for preventing child sexual abuse within the Church and society in general. The Archdiocese requires all volunteers who have regular contact with children/youth and could be perceived as an adult in charge and/or all volunteers in ministries serving vulnerable adults to complete the training. This includes parents who will be in the classroom for holiday parties and other events throughout the year.
Click here to view upcoming sessions and register today!
Inclement Weather Notice
As snow and ice season approaches, prioritize your safety. For weekend snow/ice events, we'll ensure safe walkways and parking lots before services. An email will be sent if classes are canceled. Please be cautious, look out for one another, and stay in if your neighborhood roads are unsafe. Thank you for your understanding. Stay safe and warm!
First Communion Song Practice Link
“Enter the Journey” is the song our second-grade students sing during the First Communion mass.
Practice at home via the following link: https://safeshare.tv/playlists/304600#304600
(Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th & 6th grades)
Click here to access materials. Use the username and password provided in your family welcome packet to log in.
(2nd grade)
Download the Sadlier Sacraments app to access materials. Available on Google Play and the Apple store.
Student Lesson Access
Christ In Us
Sadlier Sacraments
Contact Us
Tues, Wed, Thurs
(785) 542-2788
820 Birch St.
Eudora, KS 66025