Prayer Ministries

  • Communion to the Hospitalized and Homebound

    The Church strives to provide a heart of service inclined to those who may be unable to provide for themselves, including time with Jesus. In bringing communion to them, our Eucharistic Ministers represent Christ and manifest faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at Mass. For the sick, the reception of communion is not only a privilege, but also a sign of support and concern shown by the Christian community for its members who are ill.

  • Eucharistic Adoration

    In the presence of the Eucharist, we pray to the power and sacrifice that it represents — the body of Jesus, who gave His life so that we may live. It is His body, blood, soul and divinity that is really, truly, and substantially present in the Eucharist. We adore and receive the Eucharist in communion at Mass, which is the most beautiful act of worship that we have as Catholics.

  • Liturgical Commission

    The Liturgical Commission creates an atmosphere that enhances the worshipping assembly’s celebration of their faith through the visual beauty of the Church environment. This environment also heightens an awareness of the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the various liturgical seasons.

  • Men's Prayer Group

    The Men’s Prayer Group encourages men to become better fathers and husbands by growing in knowledge and practicing their Catholic faith and seeking Christ through prayer, scripture, and the sacraments. The group’s primary mission is to help men enrich their relationships with Jesus Christ and apply their faith to their daily lives.

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  • Women's Bible Study

    This bible study allows us into a deeper, loving relationship with Jesus as we reflect on His life and personality.

  • Parish Prayer Chain

    Prayer is our primary vehicle for communicating with God. The Prayer Chain Ministry is a ministry where a “chain” of people constantly pray for those individuals who are in need of prayers. Prayer request can come from anyone and the prayer intention may be for any reason for which one believes prayer will be beneficial, bearing in mind the place of our faith in answers to our prayers. At Holy Family, we desire to pray for you and with you for your intentions.

  • Pray for the Parish

    Effective prayer for others will bring us closer to God, because effective prayer is based on a knowledge of His will. It will also bring us closer to others, as we learn more about them and focus on their needs. This ministry provides the true work of the church – to connect the will of God to the will of his people through prayer.